Working with children, young people and families in Chapel Allerton and Meanwood

Who we are...
Thrive Leeds is a partnership between four local churches who work alongside children and young people in the local area. We work with 0-18 year olds and their families, and love to give space for them to gather together, find support and friendship, feel valued and think through things that are important to them.
Have a look at our latest newsletters here.

Totally Tuesday is a group for young people in the school years 5-7. It is a safe place to have fun and think about faith.
The evenings include games, activities, time to chat and snacks.
The group meets from 7.00pm – 8.00pm on Tuesdays, during term time at Chapel Allerton Methodist Centre.
The cost is £2 a session.

WOW on Wednesdays
WOW is for young people in years 8 to 13. The evenings include games, sport, tea and toast, hanging out together and small groups to explore faith and life.
The group meets from 7.45-9.00pm on Wednesdays, during term time at Chapel Allerton Methodist Centre.
The cost is £2 a session.
Messy Church
Messy Church is an opportunity for families to explore faith together in a relaxed and creative way. It’s loud, chaotic and full of life and chatter.
We get creative with crafts and fun activities for grown-ups and children to do together, spend a short time celebrating who God is with songs and sharing stories, and then eat a simple meal together! It’s a chance to find out more of God’s stories and grow together as God’s people.
It is particularly suitable for families with primary school aged kids, although everyone is welcome. Parents and Guardians are responsible for the supervision and safety of their children at all times.
(Also, it involves paint and glue, so best not to wear smart clothes…)
If you’d like to know more, please contact
We look forward to meeting your family.

Working with Schools...
Thrive Leeds works with both Primary and Secondary Schools in the Chapel Allerton & Meanwood areas.
We work with local primary school assemblies, helping with the transition work for year 6’s and provide prayer spaces. In our local High School, we run small groups and mentoring to support young people.
Please contact us if we can support your school.
Working with children, young people and families in Chapel Allerton and Meanwood

... and there's the Annual Holiday Club!

During the summer holidays we have run a 3-morning holiday club for primary school aged children. It involves huge amounts of fun, games, craft, singing, Bible stories and of course food!
in 2019, the Methodist Church was transformed into a beach and Giovanni the Cornish Ice Cream seller helped us look at some of the stories in the Bible about people whose lives were in a mess, but Jesus rescued them – and can rescue us too!
Our plans for Olympic themed holiday club in July 2020 were put on hold due to Covid, but in 2021 we had great fun at our Olympic Family Fun Day.
We are excited that Thrive Leeds have been chosen as one of the local causes for the Co-op Community Fund this year! The money raised will go towards exploring youth work in Meanwood – empowering young people to take the lead and shape how things develop, as we build on our current work. If you are a co-op member, please could you nominate Thrive Leeds as your favoured charity? You can do this on the app or by ringing 0800 0686 727. If you’re not a member yet, please become one and then nominate us! Check out our information page:
Contact Us
Thrive Leeds
Chapel Allerton Methodist Church
Town Street
Chapel Allerton
Our Supporting Churches
Chapel Allerton Methodist Church
St Matthew’s C of E Church
Stainbeck URC Church
Chapel Allerton Baptist Church
Will you become a Friend of Thrive?
We welcome your support and help or any donation to support our work.
For more information please email:
or use the online contact form below.
Support us by making a donation via Stewardship.