Messy Church

Messy Church is an opportunity for families to explore faith together in a relaxed and creative way. It’s loud, a bit chaotic and full of life and chatter.

We get creative with crafts and fun activities for grown-ups and children to do together, spend a short time celebrating who God is with songs and sharing stories, and then eat a simple meal together! It’s a chance to find out more of God’s stories and grow together as God’s people.

It is particularly suitable for families with primary school aged kids, although everyone is welcome. Parents and Guardians are responsible for the supervision and safety of their children at all times.
(Also, it involves paint and glue, so best not to wear smart clothes…)

If you’d like to know more, please contact

We look forward to meeting your family.

Messy Church logo. Activities, Crafts, Stories, Celebration, Simple Meal 'Families together, being, making, eating, and celebrating God.' Come and Join us! All Ages are welcome. If you are a child you must bring an adult with you. Thrive Leeds logo.
Date for 2024 3.30-5.30pm Stainbeck Church, Stainbeck Road, LS7 2PP. 21st Jan, 18th Feb, 17th Mar, 21st April, 19th May, 16th June, 21st July, 15th Sept, 20th Oct, 17th Nov. This Messy Church event is organised by Thrive Leeds. Facebook: Messy Church in Chapel Allerton and Meanwood. Messy Church logo. Thrive Leeds logo.
Messy Church Poster Talking with God Sunday 16th June 3.30-5.50pm Stainbeck Church

Dates for 2024

Messy Church is on the third Sunday of the month, except for August when we have a break. In December we have a Nativity service; the date for this is announced closer to the time.

21st January, 18th February, 17th March, 21st April, 19th May, 16th June, 21st July, 15th September, 20th October, 17th November.

Recent sessions

May 2024 – Pentecost – God In Us
 We thought about God sending his Holy Spirit at Pentecost.
April 2024 – Beyond Easter –  Jesus is With Us
 We looked at the stories of what Jesus did between his resurrection and him going to Heaven (ascension). 
March 2024 – Easter –  The Supercool Story of Easter
 Jesus showed us he loved us through all the things he did, the stories he told, and then through his death and resurrection.
February 2024 – Moses –  The Great Escape

We continued to look at the story of Moses, where he asked Pharoah to let the Israelites free. Pharoah said ‘No’, so God sent the plagues and eventually they were set free. Moses listened to God, the Red Sea was parted, and they escaped from the Egyptians. Thanks to God, they were safe and free at last!

January 2024 – Moses –  Bulrushes & Burning Bush

We looked at the first part of the story of Moses, where he is born, is rescued from the river by the princess, grows up and then encounters God at the burning bush. God was with Moses and God is with us too!

November 2023 – ‘Light of the World’

Jesus said ‘I am the Light of the World’, and Jesus also said ‘You are the light of the world!’  We thought about how Jesus shows us the way, and how we can be lights in what we do.

October 2023 – ‘Bigger Barns!’

We thought about Harvest as we looked at the Parable of the Bigger Barns. We thought about the fact that all the amazing things our Earth produces are not shared fairly around the world, and that we have an impact on other people all around the world because of climate change. Everyone is our neighbour.

September 2023 – ‘Love Your Neighbour?’

We looked at the Parable of the Good Samaritan, as we thought about who is our neighbour, and how we can ‘love our neighbour as ourselves.”

June 2023 – ‘What Are Our Gifts?’

We looked at the Parable of the Talents, and thought about what gifts and talents God has given us, and how he wants us to use the and not hide them.

May 2023 – ‘Wise & Foolish Builders’

We looked at the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders, and how we should build our lives on what Jesus says, so we have  strong foundation.

April 2023 – ‘Breakfast on the Beach’

We thought about how Peter had made a mistake, but Jesus met the disciples on the beach, had breakfast with them, and showed Peter that he forgave him and he loved him.

March 2023 – ‘The Lost Son’

February 2023 – Samuel – ‘Is that you God?’

January 2023 – Hannah – ‘Being Real’

November 2022  – Advent – God With Us!

October 2022 – Ruth – Faithful & Loyal

September 2022 – Rahab’s Courage

June 2022  – Mary and Martha ‘Slow Down….’

May 2022 – Zacchaeus’ New Start

April 2022 – Emmaus Road ‘Alive!’

February 2022 – Jesus in the Temple ‘Finding Jesus!